15 Top Blockchain Startups in 2023: How Technologies Let Projects Rise
Updated 18 Aug 2023
11 Min
Are you sufficiently informed about the capabilities of blockchain technology? Recently we have published a detailed article regarding blockchain solutions and how they work. And, according to the latest researches, blockchain is enetring many other industries apart from the digital currency area blockchain was developed for initially. Web app development using blockchain technology moves forward by leaps.
Let's find out what interesting blockchain startups have already hit the market. Check it out!
FinTech blockchain startups
All of us earn for living. That is why we should be financially literate. FinTech startups will assist us in it.
Area: trading sector
A real-time platform that helps companies and provides them with operations transparency with the help of history of goods and provenance monitoring. Using this technology, you can easily collect and verify data, match it to physical objects and integrate into various online services.
See more about blockchain technology. Read about blockchain technology in supply chain in our article
So this startup offers tools to auditors and other merchant specialists to collect information about the history of their goods. Collected data can be shown to potential customers then, they can see where these goods came from and how they travel from one place to another. This startup is included in the list of top FinTech startups in the blockchain.

Provenance startup to improve your trade business
It doesn't matter what goods we are talking about - it can be sneakers, clothes, and even food. The transparency of the physical object's travel should increase the responsibility of society for social problems related to labor and attract attention to brand authentication problems and material provenance. The final goal of the startup is to create trust between customers and buyers.
BitGive Foundation
Area: fighting fraud in charity sector
The noncommercial California-based BitGive Foundation startup released GiveTrack blockchain platform that monitors donations to charity.
This platform uses blockchain technology that makes it possible for donators and other people to monitor charitable donations, and see what they were spent on and whether they reached the right recipient or not.
BitGive can have a really positive influence on a bribable charity sector that unfortunately still exists. So it offers a required transparency of charity donations operations. Also, it can also give you a reply to your answer what are FinTech startups.
Area: retail trade
One more FinTech platform that is developed on a blockchain basis and it provides users with cross-platform interoperable transactions. The retail loyalty card industry can be united in one system and thus loyalty programs can be monitored efficiently.

Loyyal app to increase customers' loyalty
Today this platform is successfully applied in Dubai's government. It helps organize right loyalty programs and manage multi-branded coalitions with smart contracts technology and blockchain FinTech basis.
Area: financial organizations, law enforcement agencies
It provides analytical services for financial institutions and law enforcement agencies. This startup helps law enforcement agents track criminals that use Bitcoin.
It aids financial investigations with the help of distributed registry technology. So, Elliptic plans to make the cryptocurrency ecosystem more transparent for financial institutions.
Today, it is rather difficult for law-abiding Bitcoin companies to get financial services from traditional financial institutions that have strict regulations and they don't want to have any bargains with cryptocurrency organizations in connection with a banking policy of risk avoidance. They are distrustful to Bitcoin owners.

Elliptic startup to secure your finances
That is why Elliptic was created. It verifies the participation of customers in money laundering, financing terrorism, dealing drugs or other illegal activities by monitoring Bitcoin transactions. Blockchain FinTech companies should get benefit from this startup.
Area: financial technology, payment gateways
And finally, the largest blockchain platform for the development of decentralized apps on the blockchain basis that uses smart contracts technology as well. It has it's own cryptocurrency named ETH. What's more, Ethereum is a programming language as well that makes it possible to create apps and next generation online services.

Pltaform Ethereum - make the perfect software
Find out how FinTech software development company can use blockchain
The contract is considered to be implemented when it gets notification from other users or other smart contracts. Computer software sends money automatically upon the fulfillment of the conditions. After the transaction, the completion result is recorded in the blockchain. The sender can see it if he or she will monitor the smart contract. Ethereum project gave rise to a few startups that we will discuss below. This large platform makes it possible to create your own project in various fields.
Thus, you can see that FinTech and blockchain may co-exist in harmony. And it means area of fintech blockchain startups development is really unlimited. Find the optimal one for you to occupy your niche in this field.
Startups for IT solutions
Let's see blockchain startups that can augment your software.
Area: cloud platform, data storing
MIT media laboratory created this startup, blockchain was the foundation of the software. It is a decentralized cloud platform that is capable of storing and analyzing confidential data and exchanging it, and at the same time, this data is not revealed completely for both parties. The platform can be used for encrypted computations using blockchain.
This project is very important in the blockchain world since it resolves the most complicated problems related to confidentiality and security. Any industry rely on cloud (whether it is medical or financial) will be able to get the most of blockchain technology in cloud computing due to increased data security.

Enigma platform to enhance the data storing
Area: personal data protection
Ethcore is the brainchild of the Ethereum universe. It resolves such problems like personal data inviolability and system scalability. Their client, Parity, developed by using Ethcore. It is a next generation platform that is based on distributed registry principles and was created for intracorporate communication and authorization.
The main goal of Ethcore is to improve blockchains. Ethcore is focused on the development of licenses tools for large financial organizations etc.
Apart from patented tools development, Ethcore also helps the Ethereum community to create open source projects and create new best blockchain startups.
Area: financial system security
This platform is very similar to Ethcore at it's base. Blockstream can offer many various software solutions to increase trust in financial systems.
In addition, the platform offers consulting services for companies that plan to integrate blockchain technology into their software, and it can explain to you how to invest in blockchain startups.

Blockstream: financial security on a high level
The main goal is to increase security and fight financial fraud using special software on a blockchain basis.
Area: social media for coworking
It can be called one of the most ambitious blockchain-based startups of this year. Colony predetermines the future of working relationships: the platform develops a DAO project that uses the wisdom of the crowd and artificial intelligence to select appropriate executors for various tasks that can implement their job qualitatively and on time.
It allows people to combine their efforts on a mutual project remotely, manage processes and estimate work efficiency. Colony uses it's own 'nectar' cryptocurrency for payments.
Colony is an easy-to-use platform like social media. Besides that, Colony allows the user to combine a few activities - they can be both the programmer and copywriter, for example.
Area: Internet of Things
Slockit unites two important technological areas like Internet of Things and blockchain. Project founders are investigating the capabilities of Ethereum nodes integration into cars, homes and other various devices. This startup allows the integration of smart contracts with physical locks and Internet of Things devices. Blockchain IoT startups make it possible to modify your smart home.
Slock lock connects to smart contracts in the Ethereum blockchain and is controlled by it. The lock owner assigns the deposit amount and cost of rent, and the user pays this deposit using a transaction in Ethereum blockchain. And then he gets permission to lock and unlock such smart locks using only his smartphone.
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Blockchain healthcare startups
Blockchain made it's contribution to healthcare area as well. Check it out!
Hashed Health
Area: optimization of healthcare models
This startup is looking for a partnership with leading enterprises engaged in health protection to provide them with blockchain-based solutions for resolving of chronic healthcare problems.
Hashed Health focuses on the development of solutions for healthcare areas to optimize inefficient models of assistance. The startup has already started collaborating with such giants like Martin Ventures and Fenbushi Capital that is engaged in investments in the blockchain.

HashedHealth: optimize medical procedures efficiency
The main goal of the startup is to increase the efficiency of medical procedure and improve consumers' treatment. Blockchain for healthcare and technology of distributed registry can give a great perspective to patients.
Area: resolution of ecology problem
Discover how to make your payments secure. Read How to secure payments: the right payment system for your business
This startup creates a blockchain ecosystem for the healthcare area, and it is involved in exploring the situation regarding the blockchain influence and support of carbon offset and natural gas production. Also, this startup even developed it's own operating system called GemOS that is built on blockchain technology. Healthcare area reveals more perspectives.

Gem startup to solve eco problems
This project can be considered as an attempt to stimulate the healthcare industry to discover potential advantages of blockchain when creating apps for health, software for patients' identification and encrypted e-histories of diseases.
Area: personal medical records of patients
MedRec is a system that allows users to manage medical records using Ethereum blockchain in healthcare industry. It makes it possible to get access to medical documentation including clinical studies. It's pretty similar to what custom EHR development brings to a healthcare institution.

MedRec startup: manage your medical data
It was developed by MIT specialists. Patients now can manage their medical data due to this startup. Access can be obtained using a few providers. A smart contract on blockchain provide patients with direct patient-provider relationships.
Blockchain Health Co.
Area: relationships between medical staff and patients
One more California-based startup that uses blockchain technology to modify the connection between medical researchers and users. As a result, using this platform, patients can share their health data and manage it. It cannot be hacked and managed by a third person since blockchain technology reliably encrypts all confidential data. It shows that blockchain in healthcare today make something unbelievable.

Blockchain Healthcare platform: upgrade your connections with medical staff
Area: medical data protection
The project has been launched with one main goal - to decrease data falsification in medical records. So it is necessary to deploy blockchain in clinical trials.
Unfortunately, there is still a high percentage of medical data falsification, so it was highly required to change it. Transparency and honesty are very important in clinical trust and Stratumn strives to solve this problem to increase the accuracy and security in the healthcare industry. Blockchain and healthcare junction will help software developers improve and customize existing apps and create new ones.
Are you impressed with all these new blockchain startups? It can give the best idea to turn your project into reality. As you can see, blockchain is evolving persistently, and it seems that soon this technology will provide us with some new achievements. Various industries are integrating blockchain technology into their startups actively, so we think that our future lies in blockchain. However, it is worth noting that the financial area is more adaptable to this technology, that is why the FinTech area is prevailing here. Did you understand what are blockchain startups? If you are interested in any ideas of startups above, we can help you create something special for you.
Check it out how to promote your business with neural networks. Read How businesses can grow using neural networks advantages
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And don't forget to watch this video:
Blockchain solutions: Advantages You Can Get

Evgeniy Altynpara is a CTO and member of the Forbes Councils’ community of tech professionals. He is an expert in software development and technological entrepreneurship and has 10+years of experience in digital transformation consulting in Healthcare, FinTech, Supply Chain and Logistics
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