Case Study: Automation Service for Generating Accounting Documents
Updated 16 Mar 2023
4 Min
Having a large company with a lot of employees, you face problems with documentation. You need to create a lot of various documents. This process is always time-consuming. Making one document can take up to several working days for the accounting department. That’s why we’ve decided to develop a service that could generate accounting documents automatically.
Let’s single out all the details.
Main Idea of This Project
Our employees get two documents every month — Invoice and Acceptance/Delivery Certificate. To create them, our accountants have to spend three to four weekdays. To save time and reduce the number of human mistakes, we developed a service that creates these documents automatically.
What does the service do?
Our accountants load .xls file to the platform. This file contains a list of employees and their personal data. The service processes the data and automatically generates two .pdf files — Invoices and Acceptance/Delivery Certificates for all employees.
Discover the stages of the software development process at Cleveroad.
How Does the Service Work from User Perspective?
- Step 1. Authorization. Since the service processes the employees' personal data, we’ve developed a secure authorization. Our accounting managers go to the service and register to log in.
- Step 2. Home page. After the authorization process, they get to the home screen. Here, it’s possible to look through previous projects and the list of employees (both active and not). At the bottom of the page, there is an ‘Add’ button. It lets them create a new project.

Home page
- Step 3. New project. Clicking the ‘Add’ button, users move to a new screen. They need to write the project name (e.g. March 2020) and load .xls file with the required information.

New project
- Step 4. Generate documents. The service generates two papers for each employee — Invoice and Acceptance/Delivery Certificate. It’s possible to look through these docs for each employee.

Downloading ready documents
- Step 5. Download documents. This stage has two useful features. It’s possible to download all Invoices or Acceptance/Delivery Certificates as a .rar file, so the accountants save their time. Also, they can save all Invoices or Acceptance/Delivery Certificates as two separate .pdf files. This feature is handy for printing documents out faster.
Tech Stack Used to Develop This RPA
To make the platform more secure, we've integrated an SSL certificate. It allows encrypting requests between a web browser and a web server.
The service has a web version. Out .Net team used the following technologies to make it work:
- .Net Core 3.1
- TypeScript
- SaSS
.Net Core
.Net Core is an open-source framework that works with such OS as Windows, Linux, and macOS. We’ve used .Net Core to create a powerful server-side of our service.
Microsoft created this programming language to develop large applications. Our team of .Net developers chose TypeScript for making a client-side.
The main aim of SaSS is to make programming faster and more efficient. We’ve used SaSS for the front end of our accounting service.
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud is a web service that offers to increase server capacity in the cloud.
Our solution works with data, so we needed a stable database. Amazon Relational Database Service was a balanced choice for our needs.
Implementing RPA services require unique expertise. Read our article dedicated to RPA developer roles and responsibilities to understand what knowledge needed for RPA engineers and how to build RPA software.
The solution for generating official documents makes our work faster and more secure. If you’re curious about our latest tech projects, go and check our portfolio.

Evgeniy Altynpara is a CTO and member of the Forbes Councils’ community of tech professionals. He is an expert in software development and technological entrepreneurship and has 10+years of experience in digital transformation consulting in Healthcare, FinTech, Supply Chain and Logistics
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