CRM For Agribusiness: Why Can It Increase Your Customers' Purchasing Efficiency?
Updated 23 Jun 2023
12 Min
The customer is always right. It is rule number one. The rule number two - If the customer is wrong, see rule number one. By the way, relationships in any kind of business are usually based on this simple principle. The customer wants to get a high-quality service so service providers must succeed at it. And agricultural companies are not an exception to this rule.
The agricultural field is also full of software that simplifies the life of customers. And CRM web app development becomes the new era of digital relationships between service providers and customers. How can CRM help agricultural business develop and prosper? Take your seat and find out!
Agriculture business automation using CRM
The goal of CRM systems is to build of correct relationships with clients. CRM relationships systems are not just a technology for agriculture management and your client database management.
See how modern technologies in farming are applied. Read Mixed reality and AI in farming: cost-effective models to enhance agribusiness
Correct applications of the system is the strategy that allows you to improve service quality when you focus on the preferences of your customers and their purchasing power. If your customer always orders the same type of fertilizers, for example, so why not offer him some special additives that will be good with fertilizers and intensify their effect? Unskilful management of customers' data using CRM technology will be the largest obstacle in the way of success and profit.
Old tools vs new technologies
If you are the only employee in your company, then you can just use a notepad, pen, and your memory. But if you have a large team, the number of customers is growing every day, and there is a lot of information related to each customer - starting from cultivated areas, the amount of livestock, to contacts and bank details. If all this information is written in a paper notepad, it will be very inconvenient and, moreover, the paper simply can get lost. And if you need to check something, you will have to look for required info for a couple of hours. It is like a Stone Age, isn't it?
If you need your business to be competitive, you must think about the automation of many business processes, especially of such simple ones noted above.
The IT market has already presented various solutions for automation of this job for many years ago. This industry was born from multipurpose solutions for any type of business. But not every field can benefit from the specific solution since business peculiarity varies. That is why today new IT solutions are created that allow you to take into account and automate all business processes of the company. And the agriculture field takes it's stand here as well.
CRM in automation process
But first, let's understand what CRM in agriculture is? This is a module for customer relationship management, in the case of agriculture - with suppliers, purchasers, grain elevators, farmers etc. It allows the user to store all contacts in a usable way, enter information about potential bargains, market indicators, get access to all the history of prices and relationships, as well as know about available volumes for purchase from various market subjects.

Particularities CRM software has
One of the most important features of such CRM modules is the decrease of the human factor impact and reduction of expenses. The system automates a lot of processes such as:
- it can bring together and show the best purchase offers;
- available sales options considering logistics and transportation to the destination;
- it can keep count on the efficiency of work of each manager;
- it allows you to work remotely;
- each user has access only to his database.
So you can perform everything listed above using only one app whether it be a mobile or web app. The development of such types of software is very popular today.
How CRM simplifies the workflow in agriculture
As we have already noted, specific automation systems must be selected for specific types of economic activities that analyze data as efficiently as possible in accordance with enterprise specificity. If companies engaged in steel production will require some methods of data collection and analysis, then, in agriculture, CRM software will require completely other algorithms of data processing. Agriculture is a complicated and multileveled field that requires a more thorough choice of CRM for automation and enterprise management.
Moreover, each separate enterprise in agriculture also requires the selection of corresponding software. Because apart from working with clients, CRM software helps process physical assets. So CRM in agricultural business should be developed for each area separately - whether it be crop production, cattle breeding, pig breeding, a fishery etc.
Tasks the CRM performs in agricultural field
Modern CRM apps for agribusiness have the opportunity to keep count of the equipment and agricultural machinery, keep count of number and weight, total head of livestock, keep track of seasonal and annual plants and different animals' growth cycles. On the basis of analysis of obtained data about the workflow of agricultural enterprise, CRM systems offer users the following features and opportunities:
- calendar planning and drafting of a task list in accordance with the natural cycles;
- warehouse accounting and inventory of equipment, material resources, the stock of products and raw materials;
- balance and finances control;
- financial statements and documentation management;
- controlling working hours and control of staff work efficiency.

Tasks CRM for agriculture performs
Find out top apps for agriculture. Read 10 most popular agricultural apps
A hint from Cleveroad: If you plan to order the development CRM software for agriculture, it is very important to test the system in a trial mode with MVP features only to understand what aspects of enterprise functioning should be in priority. It will help eliminate unnecessary features that simply waste software resources. For example, many companies in agro-industrial complexes already have a database of suppliers and consumers. So warehouse accounting, inventory of equipment and machinery, counting of total head of livestock, cultivated areas and crop planning must be foreground features of the system, mind it.
Available CRM solutions for agriculture
There are a few CRM services for an agricultural field that can be really useful for everybody engaged in this area. Let's check the most popular of them.
This CRM software was created for farm management. It is aimed at growers mostly so it can be used for analysis, keeping all important records in place, sales and expenses management, customers' database control etc. There is a free trial mode so you can test it and understand whether this software is acceptable for you or not.

Agrivi CRM software
It is an Indian-based company that specializes in the development of smart solutions for agribusiness. They offer a wide range of CRM solutions both for the web and for mobile. It can perform many features starting from the inventory of stock products and finished goods to harvest and livestock control. It has one big advantage - it's software can be customized so you can adjust it in accordance with your requirements.

FarmLogics CRM for farmers
Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Livestock
A gigantic corporation like Microsoft hasn't ignored the agricultural field either. It has integrated the tool for livestock management in it's Microsoft Dynamics 365 suite. Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Livestock was created specifically for farmers that are engaged in cattle breeding, horse breeding, or in the breeding of any other animals. Using dashboards and reports users can monitor all herd information.

Microsoft CRM for Livestock
Cleveroad expertise
Our company also has something to be proud of. We were engaged in the development of a few mobile apps for farming and one website for a fishery.
Mobile app for cattle breeding
One Polish farmer ordered the development of the app that could help him optimize the process of cattle breeding. This app can help find your cattle on an interactive map, monitor cows' general condition and track deviances, and get daily statistics. In our detailed case study, you can read about the development process.
Tools used by Cleveroad
- Support for API 9 level. Set of programming tools that allow the client to use Android versions starting from 2.1.
- RX Java. Library for composing of the programming code.
- Retrofit 2. HTTP-client for working with API in client-server apps.
- Dagger 2. Library for implementation of programming patterns.
- Bluetooth LE. Wireless network technology for data collection
- Java. A programming language for creating Android-based apps

App for cattle breeding monitoring
Website for fishery fans was ordered by a British family that specializes in fisheries and has a few ponds for fish breeding. This website makes it possible for everybody to book a specific pond to catch fish in, see maps of ponds, create his or her user profile and so on. Also, owners provide their ponds for an annual championship for fishermen and everybody can register via the website. Just read our case of fishery web solution development .
Tools used by Cleveroad
- ASP.NET MVC 4. The technology we used for development of web applications. This technology is widespread/popular in terms of .Net Framework programming platform.
- Google Map API. Integration of Google Maps into the website for location of ponds.
- Twitter bootstrap. Framework for building a modern cross-browser or standardized interface. It makes it possible to create various elements of interfaces and website grid.
- MS SQL Database. The database which was the most appropriate option for this project.
- Verifone payment. Integration of Verifone payment systems into terminals.
- WPF. Visualization technology. It allowed us to create interactive user interfaces.
- Chart.js. The technology for the building of the chart that displays statistics.

Fishery website for anglers
How CRM may increase purchasing efficiency
Let's check an example of how CRM can increase purchasing efficiency. Managers are entering all data related to volumes of crops, grain, heads, including yield indicators and cultivated areas.
On the basis of this data, CRM for agriculture can sort out and bring together the most profitable options for a bargain. Besides that, the system stores the history of prices and calculations as well as allows to make calculations automatically.
See what changes technology has brought into farming. Read How can technology change farming?
All required data will be inside the system and access can be delimited so that each employee could have access only to his or her suppliers. In addition, a chief can monitor the efficiency of each employee via CRM, track changes and so on.
The goal of CRM systems is not to complicate life for it's users but to make employee's work comfortable and more transparent for the heads of the company. With the help of useful features, employees will be focused only on the main job. And they will get a full picture of events and forecasts due to special tools.
Points to consider during the CRM software development
If you made a decision to create your own CRM tool then you need to consider all necessary features and key points you must follow to make use of your service. And we will list main principles of CRM implementation process for you.
Main goals of CRM
You should determine what exactly your software will perform. In the case of agriculture, it has to maintain long-term relationships with customers, it should provide a certain value to customers, increase the loyalty of customers, and increase customers' comfort in dealing with your product.
Data collection
One of the ways to success lies in correct data collection. Your CRM for agriculture must contain prices and customer lifecycle information first.
Use customer data to succeed
Using your CRM in agriculture, you should assess the value of each customer and segregate each customer on their basis. Your potential success lies in the opportunity to build a correct marketing strategy via the CMR software.
Contact management
This feature will help you draft your contacts in a way that's acceptable to you. Segregating contacts into groups will allow you to systematize and optimize your contact list to find quickly the person you need.
Mobile and web version
Both your company and your customers will be more interested in using CRM software if you create it in both versions - for the web and for mobile platforms. The opportunity to use handheld device makes it possible to keep track of events all the time.
Assessment of machinery and equipment
This feature will help the agricultural organization track the state and service life of farming machinery currently used. Thus, if you don't want to waste your time due to the unexpected breakdown of your equipment, CRM will help you provide a regular maintenance for all your hardware.
So what is the success of CRM?
For a start, it will give you plenty of benefits provided that you use it wisely. It will increase your sales and profits, employees' and customers' satisfaction as well as reduce your costs and assist in attracting new customers.
The more the company knows about the customer, the simpler it will be for the organization to offer customers new products that satisfy their needs most. CRM software for agriculture is a real magic wand if you use it correctly. As you see, it will be a good option both for working with customers and for the optimization of internal work. Many companies around the world succeed with using CRM, so become the next one to make use of it.
Discover how to choose CRM for e-commerce. Read What makes a great CRM for e-commerce? Definitive guide for retails startups.
But if you still think that this subject is very complicated for you, you can contact us. We will help you with the development of the customer relationship management software you need and explain how to use it. Our experience - your idea! And together we will create the best product. Subscribe to our blog and stay with us!
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The main goal of CRM systems is to build correct relationships with clients and help employees manage your client base more effectively.
Correct applications of the system allow you to improve service quality, focus on your customers' preferences, and purchase power.
CRM software in agriculture help with:
- calendar planning and drafting a task list according to natural cycles;
- warehouse accounting and inventory of equipment, material resources, the stock of products and raw materials;
- balance and finances control;
- financial statements and documentation management;
- controlling working hours and staff efficiency
The general steps include:
- Step #1. Create a business plan. What problems is the CRM going to solve?
- Step #2. Find the developers if you don't have an in-house team.
- Step #3. Create a user-friendly UI design.
- Step #4. Develop basic features like analysis, sales, expenses management, customer database control, and stock inventory.
- Step #5. Test the app to avoid bugs.
- Step #6. Train your employees to use the software.
CRM helps agricultural business to deal with suppliers and customers, planning, warehouse accounting, financial control.

Evgeniy Altynpara is a CTO and member of the Forbes Councils’ community of tech professionals. He is an expert in software development and technological entrepreneurship and has 10+years of experience in digital transformation consulting in Healthcare, FinTech, Supply Chain and Logistics
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